The school operates a Form Teacher and Year Head system. Students meet as a class with their Form Teacher each morning when the class roll is taken and there is the opportunity for students and teachers to raise issues of concern. Well Being This time, between the students and their form teachers, is a crucial and important time for the well-being of the students and for the effective day-to-day running of the school. It allows us, as a school, to instil good working practices, punctuality, proper use of the journal, pass on announcements, school prayer and gives us a short window of time each day to project our ethos of pastoral care and reason in a positive manner. It is an extremely important role for the form teachers as it gives teachers the opportunity to get to know their students on a regular and organised basis. Form teachers can develop and foster their role as a guide and source of support, knowledge and example. Schedule for Well Being
Procedures for Students who Arrive Late to School