4th Meán Fómhair 2015
A Thuiste, a chara,
The new school year has begun. We welcome all our new first year students and wish them well. We thank our Ceangail and Cinnirí teams who have ensured they are well looked after and are familiar with their new surroundings. We welcome back all of our other students and wish them every success in their studies and their activities this year.
Leaving Certificate 2015 Success! James Murray 7 A1’s in his Leaving Certificate
On behalf of all the teachers and students, we would like to congratulate our Leaving Certificate students of 2015 and especially James Murray who achieved the highest possible results. James was also our 6th year Student of the Year. We congratulate James and his family on this wonderful achievement. As a school we were very pleased with the results. Overall our results are above the national average. Over 40% of our students received over 400 points and 21% over 300 points. We are glad to report that having discussed their hopes and expectations with our Guidance Counsellor, Ms. Mary Harris, we are happy that our students are pleased with their third level offers. We are waiting until the second CAO offers are completed before we contact all former students to gather information on their third level education. We wish them every success as they progress on their educational paths. In Salesian College we endeavour to encourage, promote and excel in the academic development of our students. Based on this year’s results, we are very happy with our accomplished students and their excellent high results. Maith sibh agus beir bua!
Junior Certificate Results 2015 – Wednesday 9th September.
We hope our Junior Certificate students will achieve just as high results as our Leaving Certificate students. The results will be presented on Wednesday 9th at 2.40pm. All Junior Certificate students will assemble in the hall in their tutor group. The Principal and Deputy Principal will address the students. We would like to invite parents to attend this presentation. As is normal, all students should attend school on Thursday. We ask parents for their cooperation in this matter as on the Thursday subject levels and classes are reorganised based on the Junior Certificate results, therefore it is important for all students to attend. Students in 5th year who already have their Junior Certificate results will finish school at 2.40pm on Wednesday.
Journals & New Computerised Management System
We have introduced a new computer system in the school which we hope will improve our recording systems, especially student attendance and punctuality. It is hoped also that we can improve our communication with you as parents as we will have all student information more easily accessible. In order to ensure we use this system as effectively as possible staff will attend training. We still ask parents to communicate with the school through the school journal and we ask all parents of Junior Students to check the journals each night and senior students once a week. As a school we have also significantly upgraded our ICT network and facilities in the school with the aim of improving the integration of ICT into the teaching and learning experience of our students.
Afterschool Study& Evening Study
Application forms are now available from the Deputy Principals’ office. We urge all students, in particular our Junior and Leaving Certificate students to sign up for this programme. It is a well-established system in the school and one which we know has worked extremely well. It helps students focus on their work and develops a good work and study ethic. Afterschool study will start from Monday 14th September. Please return completed forms in an envelope with the student’s name and form class on it on Wednesday 9th or Friday 11th only to the Bursar’s office.
Parents' Association Meeting Tuesday 8th September & AGM Tuesday 22nd September 2015
Guest Speaker Mr. John Lonergan – Former Governor of Mountjoy Jail.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite our new parents of first year students to get involved and make a valuable contribution to the school community and join our Parents Association. We have a very active Parents Association and wish to maintain the important role they have in the effective running of the school. As parents, you play an integral role in your son's education. We would like to thank all our parents for their work in ensuring that students were well prepared for school and this has led to a good and organised start to the year.
The Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 22nd September. At this meeting the parents will be asked to nominate and vote for a new representatives on the Board of Management to serve for two years. I would like to sincerely thank Ms. Sharon Moran who represented the parent’s body for 2014-2015 and for her excellent participation and commitment to the work of the Board of Management.
The first meeting of the year will take place on Tuesday 8th 8.00pm in the new building at the back of the school.
Book Grant
Applications for assistance towards the cost of school books will be accepted. Please download the form from the school web-site, complete the form and return to the school.
Lunchtime Pass
Students who wish to go home for lunch time must have a lunch pass. Only students carrying this pass will be allowed go home at lunchtime. They must produce the pass to any teacher who asks to see it. It does not mean students may leave the school premises and simply remain outside the school grounds or go down town. If a student is outside the school grounds at lunchtime without this pass, or he does not go home as agreed the pass will be removed and he will be sanctioned. All students must return to the premises 5 minutes before the end of lunch. In effect, this means that a student has only 35 minutes to go home, have lunch and return to school.
Collecting Students & Entry on to school grounds
At the beginning and end of the school day parents / guardians are not allowed on to the school grounds to park /drop off/ collect their sons. This is for the health and safety of your son. You will be asked to move should you be found on the school premises. We are mindful that there are exceptions in the case of a student who has sustained an injury e.g. broken leg etc., or in the case of a student with a specific disability which limits his movement. In accordance with the relevant sections of the Occupiers Liability Act 1995, the school takes no responsibility for any loss or damage that occurs as the result of driving onto school grounds.
Applied Maths
Information about our Applied Maths classes for Leaving Certificate will be posted on the school web-site this week.
On behalf of all the teachers and members of staff we wish our students a happy and good-working new year
Is mise, le meas,
Ms. B. Kearns, Príomhoide
4th Meán Fómhair 2015
A Thuiste, a chara,
The new school year has begun. We welcome all our new first year students and wish them well. We thank our Ceangail and Cinnirí teams who have ensured they are well looked after and are familiar with their new surroundings. We welcome back all of our other students and wish them every success in their studies and their activities this year.
Leaving Certificate 2015 Success! James Murray 7 A1’s in his Leaving Certificate
On behalf of all the teachers and students, we would like to congratulate our Leaving Certificate students of 2015 and especially James Murray who achieved the highest possible results. James was also our 6th year Student of the Year. We congratulate James and his family on this wonderful achievement. As a school we were very pleased with the results. Overall our results are above the national average. Over 40% of our students received over 400 points and 21% over 300 points. We are glad to report that having discussed their hopes and expectations with our Guidance Counsellor, Ms. Mary Harris, we are happy that our students are pleased with their third level offers. We are waiting until the second CAO offers are completed before we contact all former students to gather information on their third level education. We wish them every success as they progress on their educational paths. In Salesian College we endeavour to encourage, promote and excel in the academic development of our students. Based on this year’s results, we are very happy with our accomplished students and their excellent high results. Maith sibh agus beir bua!
Junior Certificate Results 2015 – Wednesday 9th September.
We hope our Junior Certificate students will achieve just as high results as our Leaving Certificate students. The results will be presented on Wednesday 9th at 2.40pm. All Junior Certificate students will assemble in the hall in their tutor group. The Principal and Deputy Principal will address the students. We would like to invite parents to attend this presentation. As is normal, all students should attend school on Thursday. We ask parents for their cooperation in this matter as on the Thursday subject levels and classes are reorganised based on the Junior Certificate results, therefore it is important for all students to attend. Students in 5th year who already have their Junior Certificate results will finish school at 2.40pm on Wednesday.
Journals & New Computerised Management System
We have introduced a new computer system in the school which we hope will improve our recording systems, especially student attendance and punctuality. It is hoped also that we can improve our communication with you as parents as we will have all student information more easily accessible. In order to ensure we use this system as effectively as possible staff will attend training. We still ask parents to communicate with the school through the school journal and we ask all parents of Junior Students to check the journals each night and senior students once a week. As a school we have also significantly upgraded our ICT network and facilities in the school with the aim of improving the integration of ICT into the teaching and learning experience of our students.
Afterschool Study& Evening Study
Application forms are now available from the Deputy Principals’ office. We urge all students, in particular our Junior and Leaving Certificate students to sign up for this programme. It is a well-established system in the school and one which we know has worked extremely well. It helps students focus on their work and develops a good work and study ethic. Afterschool study will start from Monday 14th September. Please return completed forms in an envelope with the student’s name and form class on it on Wednesday 9th or Friday 11th only to the Bursar’s office.
Parents' Association Meeting Tuesday 8th September & AGM Tuesday 22nd September 2015
Guest Speaker Mr. John Lonergan – Former Governor of Mountjoy Jail.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite our new parents of first year students to get involved and make a valuable contribution to the school community and join our Parents Association. We have a very active Parents Association and wish to maintain the important role they have in the effective running of the school. As parents, you play an integral role in your son's education. We would like to thank all our parents for their work in ensuring that students were well prepared for school and this has led to a good and organised start to the year.
The Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 22nd September. At this meeting the parents will be asked to nominate and vote for a new representatives on the Board of Management to serve for two years. I would like to sincerely thank Ms. Sharon Moran who represented the parent’s body for 2014-2015 and for her excellent participation and commitment to the work of the Board of Management.
The first meeting of the year will take place on Tuesday 8th 8.00pm in the new building at the back of the school.
Book Grant
Applications for assistance towards the cost of school books will be accepted. Please download the form from the school web-site, complete the form and return to the school.
Lunchtime Pass
Students who wish to go home for lunch time must have a lunch pass. Only students carrying this pass will be allowed go home at lunchtime. They must produce the pass to any teacher who asks to see it. It does not mean students may leave the school premises and simply remain outside the school grounds or go down town. If a student is outside the school grounds at lunchtime without this pass, or he does not go home as agreed the pass will be removed and he will be sanctioned. All students must return to the premises 5 minutes before the end of lunch. In effect, this means that a student has only 35 minutes to go home, have lunch and return to school.
Collecting Students & Entry on to school grounds
At the beginning and end of the school day parents / guardians are not allowed on to the school grounds to park /drop off/ collect their sons. This is for the health and safety of your son. You will be asked to move should you be found on the school premises. We are mindful that there are exceptions in the case of a student who has sustained an injury e.g. broken leg etc., or in the case of a student with a specific disability which limits his movement. In accordance with the relevant sections of the Occupiers Liability Act 1995, the school takes no responsibility for any loss or damage that occurs as the result of driving onto school grounds.
Applied Maths
Information about our Applied Maths classes for Leaving Certificate will be posted on the school web-site this week.
On behalf of all the teachers and members of staff we wish our students a happy and good-working new year
Is mise, le meas,
Ms. B. Kearns, Príomhoide