A Thuiste,
We are coming to the end of our busy second term and we would like to report to all parents on school work, events and planning matters. We ask all parents to read this newsletter carefully and to make a note of planning dates and upcoming events.
We ask all parents to check the school journal and student’s homework each night to ensure students are re-enforcing the lessons learnt in school that day. We particularly ask all exam year students to ensure they are focusing on exam type questions. All students must have their journals signed once a week.
We endeavour to provide as many study sessions as possible for our students as we know that students who settle in to good studying habits will perform better in their exams.
We would remind all parents to check that their son is attending study, particularly as you have paid for this. Easter study will also be available for students. Application forms are available from Mr McEvoy’s office.
History Revision course – Junior Certificate.
There will be a History revision course for 3rd year students on Tuesday 15th April. Students will study two blocks from their first year syllabus, two from their second year syllabus and two from their third year syllabus. Students will need their history books, exam papers, a copy and pens. Normal school rules will apply when in class. Students do not need to wear their uniform. There is no charge for this course however students and parents must complete the application form which is available from Mr McEvoy’s office.
5th Year subject options
Ms Harris, our guidance counsellor, has met with all 3rd year students and completed 2 workshops on subject options for 5th year. Students also attended presentations from the teachers who will teach optional subjects in 5th year to explain what is involved in i.e. Chemistry or Engineering at Leaving Certificate level. There was also an information meeting on Thursday 27th March for all parents. This year we have changed the optional choices application process. Instead of placing subjects in certain bands / groups, students will be given the option of choosing their 4 preferred subjects in order and 2 reserves. The deadline for subject option forms to be returned is Friday 2nd May.
Cinnirí & Ceangail review and interviews
Ceangail is a well established programme in the school. 6th year students take on this leadership role each year to work with first years. We have also reviewed the Cinnirí programme which is a prefect system which has been up and running for 2 years now. We commend and congratulate all the students who have applied for these important positions in the school. We congratulate these students who will work with our students and take on leadership roles in the school. We thank Mr John Leonard, Ms Gemma Moore and Ms Danielle Dolan conducted the interviews for these leadership roles.
Leaving Certificate Oral exams
Irish and Modern Languages oral exams are taking place currently.
Subject Awards
Teachers and subject departments will prepare for the end of year subject awards. We look forward to acknowledging the academic successes and achievements of all our students in all the different subject areas and in each year group.
In-house competitions
Futsal - The Student Council under the supervision of Fr Richard have organized the Futsal competition for all year groups. We thank Ms Moore who has completed the in-house Badminton league at lunchtimes.
Self-Development programmes
Fr Alphonse, School Chaplain has arranged self-development days for our 5th year and Transition Year students. The next event will be for 2nd years on 10th April which will be facilitated by school staff as well as a workshop presented by two 6thyear students, Sean O’Regan and Cathal O’Brien.
Planning time
The Board of Management has previously granted permission to hold extra planning meetings. On the following days students will begin their morning classes at 9.40am:
Thursday 1st May 2014 .... Start time 9.40am
Thursday 8th May 2014 .... Start time 9.40am
Wednesday 14th May 2014 .... Start time 9.35am
Preparations for 2014-2015 & Provisional Dates for Uniform sale.
Booklists and details on the opening school week will be issued in June. The first year students will start on Tuesday 26thAugust. We thank members of the Parents Association who organize our uniform sale each year. The uniform sale is held in the new building at the back of the school. We do not have laser / credit card facilities at this sale. We would like to state quite clearly to all our senior students that the school uniform trousers are grey trousers, not black. We kindly ask that parents do not purchase black trousers for the TY, 5th and 6th year uniforms. We also remind parents that neither runners nor sportswear are allowed and students are asked to wear polishable black uniform shoes. Provisional date for the uniform sale is Friday 20th June. This will be confirmed in May.
Defibrillator Training
The following Transition Year students have completed defibrillator training : Aaron Browne, Sean Browne, Eoghan Pernot, Robert Clarke, David Dolan, and Nathan O’Connor. The Parents Association very kindly sponsored this training and we thank them for their support.
Timetable for Leaving Certificate practical exams
The timetable is available now
Term 3 - Upcoming events:
Athletics Meeting – Mr P Mc Govern & Mr K. Malone
6th Year Mock Exam Practical
TY Gaisce Hike
Late start planning meeting
Athletics Meeting – Mr P Mc Govern & Mr K. Malone
All 5th year students will complete the DAT exams
Subject Options Form Deadline
Workshops for senior students on mental health awareness
Late start planning meeting
Sports Day & Parents Association Barbecue
Week beginning 12-05-2014
Subject Awards
Late start planning meeting
Students finish at 3.00pm
Transition Year students – Swim a Mile event
Transition Year Graduation
6th Year Graduation
Go raibh maith agaibh,
B. Kearns, Principal.
A Thuiste,
We are coming to the end of our busy second term and we would like to report to all parents on school work, events and planning matters. We ask all parents to read this newsletter carefully and to make a note of planning dates and upcoming events.
We ask all parents to check the school journal and student’s homework each night to ensure students are re-enforcing the lessons learnt in school that day. We particularly ask all exam year students to ensure they are focusing on exam type questions. All students must have their journals signed once a week.
We endeavour to provide as many study sessions as possible for our students as we know that students who settle in to good studying habits will perform better in their exams.
We would remind all parents to check that their son is attending study, particularly as you have paid for this. Easter study will also be available for students. Application forms are available from Mr McEvoy’s office.
History Revision course – Junior Certificate.
There will be a History revision course for 3rd year students on Tuesday 15th April. Students will study two blocks from their first year syllabus, two from their second year syllabus and two from their third year syllabus. Students will need their history books, exam papers, a copy and pens. Normal school rules will apply when in class. Students do not need to wear their uniform. There is no charge for this course however students and parents must complete the application form which is available from Mr McEvoy’s office.
5th Year subject options
Ms Harris, our guidance counsellor, has met with all 3rd year students and completed 2 workshops on subject options for 5th year. Students also attended presentations from the teachers who will teach optional subjects in 5th year to explain what is involved in i.e. Chemistry or Engineering at Leaving Certificate level. There was also an information meeting on Thursday 27th March for all parents. This year we have changed the optional choices application process. Instead of placing subjects in certain bands / groups, students will be given the option of choosing their 4 preferred subjects in order and 2 reserves. The deadline for subject option forms to be returned is Friday 2nd May.
Cinnirí & Ceangail review and interviews
Ceangail is a well established programme in the school. 6th year students take on this leadership role each year to work with first years. We have also reviewed the Cinnirí programme which is a prefect system which has been up and running for 2 years now. We commend and congratulate all the students who have applied for these important positions in the school. We congratulate these students who will work with our students and take on leadership roles in the school. We thank Mr John Leonard, Ms Gemma Moore and Ms Danielle Dolan conducted the interviews for these leadership roles.
Leaving Certificate Oral exams
Irish and Modern Languages oral exams are taking place currently.
Subject Awards
Teachers and subject departments will prepare for the end of year subject awards. We look forward to acknowledging the academic successes and achievements of all our students in all the different subject areas and in each year group.
In-house competitions
Futsal - The Student Council under the supervision of Fr Richard have organized the Futsal competition for all year groups. We thank Ms Moore who has completed the in-house Badminton league at lunchtimes.
Self-Development programmes
Fr Alphonse, School Chaplain has arranged self-development days for our 5th year and Transition Year students. The next event will be for 2nd years on 10th April which will be facilitated by school staff as well as a workshop presented by two 6thyear students, Sean O’Regan and Cathal O’Brien.
Planning time
The Board of Management has previously granted permission to hold extra planning meetings. On the following days students will begin their morning classes at 9.40am:
Thursday 1st May 2014 .... Start time 9.40am
Thursday 8th May 2014 .... Start time 9.40am
Wednesday 14th May 2014 .... Start time 9.35am
Preparations for 2014-2015 & Provisional Dates for Uniform sale.
Booklists and details on the opening school week will be issued in June. The first year students will start on Tuesday 26thAugust. We thank members of the Parents Association who organize our uniform sale each year. The uniform sale is held in the new building at the back of the school. We do not have laser / credit card facilities at this sale. We would like to state quite clearly to all our senior students that the school uniform trousers are grey trousers, not black. We kindly ask that parents do not purchase black trousers for the TY, 5th and 6th year uniforms. We also remind parents that neither runners nor sportswear are allowed and students are asked to wear polishable black uniform shoes. Provisional date for the uniform sale is Friday 20th June. This will be confirmed in May.
Defibrillator Training
The following Transition Year students have completed defibrillator training : Aaron Browne, Sean Browne, Eoghan Pernot, Robert Clarke, David Dolan, and Nathan O’Connor. The Parents Association very kindly sponsored this training and we thank them for their support.
Timetable for Leaving Certificate practical exams
The timetable is available now
Term 3 - Upcoming events:
Athletics Meeting – Mr P Mc Govern & Mr K. Malone
6th Year Mock Exam Practical
TY Gaisce Hike
Late start planning meeting
Athletics Meeting – Mr P Mc Govern & Mr K. Malone
All 5th year students will complete the DAT exams
Subject Options Form Deadline
Workshops for senior students on mental health awareness
Late start planning meeting
Sports Day & Parents Association Barbecue
Week beginning 12-05-2014
Subject Awards
Late start planning meeting
Students finish at 3.00pm
Transition Year students – Swim a Mile event
Transition Year Graduation
6th Year Graduation
Go raibh maith agaibh,
B. Kearns, Principal.